Human Rights Organisation

Human Rights Organistion

Regd No Chd-329/201213/National Level
Regd H.Office :- 796/2, Goushalla Road, Ludhiana-Punjab -141008


This Memorandum of understanding (MOU) is made on this 16th day of October 2012 between the following persons whose names, addresses, occupation, are given hereunder and who hereinafter jointly referred to as Founders-desirous for establishing a Society to protect and shelter constituional rights vested to the Human Beings irrespective of any Caste & creed through all possible means and other charitable objects and further authorize Mr. Bharart Bhushan to make adequate steps, sign documents, make affidavits & other formalities in this regard.

And whereas these founders hereinafter jointly referred to as founders which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include & nominate the members for the time being of these presents and their successors in office. And Whereas these founders have agreed to elect “FIRST Office BEARERS” ( hereinafter called as Directors) of these presents and testified by their being parties to and executing these presents. And whereas it is necessary to declare the objects, rules, and regulation of this society herein established as a HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATION educational and charitable Society, being so constituted.

Our Mission

The main object of the society is to protect & shelter constitutionals vested to the human being rights irrespective of any cast & creed

1. To work for the welfare & upliftment of human communities irrespective of any caste & cread.
2. To Work for to discard the partially factors being going on in the (Society) for the Humans
3. To work for discouragement of child-labour
4. To approach & work in Co operation with government department N.G. O’s engaged in the welfare of human.
5. To approach work in co-operation with Human rights commission & Human Rights organization for the protection of rights veted to the Humans.
6. To approach the government departments of Human rights, woman & Child welfare for granting re-cognition to the society.
7. To Open, establish, run , develop, maintain schools, colleges, preparatory schools or other type of educational institutions computer coaching centers, cultural centers etc. etc.
8. Too establish , run support science , vocational I.T. & Arts educational institutes nursing institute , dispensaries, hospitals, child welfare centre, maternity homes & other similar charitable institutes for the benefit & use of Humans.
9. To establish, run, maintain, institutions for physically handicapped & disabled women & Children & to provide them free food, books, clothing, medicines & other necessary help.
10. To work for the Re-habitations of discarded Humans irrespective of any caste & creed.
11. To establish, run maintain “old-age Homes” human beings for the benefits & use of old neglected by the society.
12. To establish, run maintain “Annathaliyas” for the Benefits & use of children neglected by the society by any mean, cause or reason.
13. To alter & add on other similar objects any time with mutual consent.
14. To check discard the ongoing practices of sexual tests & pre-birth abortions etc.


The main object of the society is to protect & shelter constitutionals vested to the human being rights irrespective of any cast & creed

Rule :-1
The Society shall be a registered body (society not for profit) under the Indian Societies Registration act XXI of 1860 as amended by the Punjab Amendment Act 1957.
Rule :-2
The Name of the society be HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATION
The registered office of the society shall be at 796/2 Gaushala Road Gaughat, Ludhiana and which shall also be taken as Head Office , However the Head Office may be changed by the consent of the Board of office Bearers( herein after called as directors).
The society shall be a non profit making and a non political body & NO MEMBER/OFFICE BEARER shall earn any profit from the society. the society shall be having district units directly answerable to head office.
The Society shall perform its functions only for the achievements of its objects, which are very well described and spelled out in this indenture. However the Board of Office bearers ( herein after called as directors) with the mutual consent may do any other thing which may the conductive to the interests and benefits of the society.
Rule :-6
All those who become members of the Society shall be volunteers given free services and shall not be entitled to remuneration , salary, fees or loans save and except that they may receive authorised out of pocket expenses for performing specific duties.
Rule – 7:
Executive Body :-
The executive committee of the society shall comprise of 1 President, 1 Sr. Vice President, 2. Vice President, 1 Gen. Secretary, 1 Secretary, 1 Joint Secretary, 1 Cashier, 1 P.R.O., 1 Chief Organiser, 1 Organiser and all the executive committee members shall either be nominated or be elected by the general body out of the general members including founder members. The maximum number of executive member shall be 21. The executive members shall be termed as Directors.
Rule -8.
General Body :-
All the Founder members and presidents and General secretaries of the District units will be the constituents of the General Body of the society irrespective of the strength.
Rule -9
1. That the society fund may be augmented by the income from the initial fund contributed by the Founders and also by donations & other contributions 40%, of the membership raised by the state units will be deposited to the General body fees, funds & through, seminars, shows, charities, fates & melas, festivals, Exhibitions. etc.
2. That in order to effectuate and establish the initial fund of the society, each one of these founders, hereby contribute a sum of Rs. 500/- each, and further agree to generate similar funds by raising membership fee of Rs. Five Hunderd only per person, desirous to become members of the society.
3. That the society fund may also be generated by asking and levying an annual contribution fund from the members or the society, as decided by the governing body.
4. That income may also be generated by accepting any donations contributions, grants, gifts or subscriptions in cash or in any mode from any person, body of person, societies, government departments and functionaries, charitable institutes etc. etc.
5. The funds of the society shall not be applied for any purpose other than for achievement for the objects of the society, However the expenses incurred for running society affairs are to be taken out of the society fund.
6. That the Board of office bearers (directors) i.e. the Governing body shall have the power to employ such staff as think necessary for running society’s affairs and to achieve objects of the society.
7. Any members shall be at liberty to give donation to the Society any time, any amount at his will, there shall be a bank account in the name of the society which shall be operated under the joint signatures of 1. President 2. General Secretary or Cashier, Cash over and above Rupees 1000/- shall be deposited in the bank account.
Meetings :-
There shall be regular minute book and agenda book and all the proceedings, decisions taken shall be recorded in these books, There shall be an annual general meeting of the society to be called by the general secretary with the approval of the president by giving at least seven days notice (verbal, by phones, written by post) for such a meeting, the agenda for such meeting shall also be circulated. The annual general body meeting shall be called in the middle of April every year to frame policies. Approval of general agenda, budget, balance sheet and to hold elections (If due).
However the president may direct the general secretary to call extra ordinary general meeting to conduct special business. And for this type of meeting only 72 hours notice is sufficient. The managing committee i.e. Board of office bearers (directors) shall hold meetings every month and notice for such board meeting shall be given by the general secretary giving 24 hours notice in case of regular monthly meeting and only 6 hours in case of emergent of the board of office bearers (directors).
Rule :-11
Quorum :-
In case of general body meeting 1/6th of the total strength in necessary to conduct the proceedings, In case of Board of office bearers (Directors) Executive committee the quorum required is 1/3rd of the total strength. In case the quorum is not complete within the stipulated time, the meeting shall stand adjourned for the next available day & time as deemed suitable, but agenda and notice will again to be circulated for such adjourned meeting. NO QUORUM would be required to conduct the proceedings in case of such an adjourned meeting.
Rule :-12 Expulsion or Members/Office Bearers :-
The following circumstances may lead to expulsion of any member or office bearer of the society :-
a. Continued absence from five successive meetings without any sufficient cause or reasons to believe.
b. Conviction by any court of law, breach of society, misappropriation of funds, forgery or any other offence which is the opinion of the 2/3rd members of the executive committee renders the members is unfit or undesirable for membership.
c. Insanity
d. Fails to pay fee/subscription and other dues (if any) for 2 years in successive, However other rules also applicable.
Fees & Subscription:- For Associate General / Active/ Spl.Act./ Senior =500-1100 For 3 year.
Rule :-14
Power of the General Body:-
General body shall settle all the programmes , works & projects of the society and give its recommendations. The General body shall monitor the progress of various works/ projects of the society. All statements of the works/Projects under taken , annual accounts/balance sheet shall be discussed and adopted only in the annual general body meeting the society. General body shall elect all the office bearers of the society either unanimously or by vote, every two years. The executive body and all the office bearers are fully answerable to General body of the society.
Rule:- 15
Power and Duties of President:-
The president will be authorised to nominate any person to a working present president. He shall preside over all the meetings of the society. Normally President of the society shall exercise and function only on the advise of the Executive Body. However the President shall be the supreme commander of the society in all matters and his decisions if given on any matters shall be final and binding upon. The President will be authorised to appoint Vice- President of the society, to work as his team members, if authorised by the general body. He shall preside over all the meeting, function of the executive body and also that of the general body. He shall exercise general control over the office bearers inspect all registers, other records of the society and is directly answerable to the general body of the society. The President of the society will have powers to make expenses up to Rs. 5000/- for and on behalf of the society, without getting prior approval of the executive body but for expenses over the amount of Rs. 5000/- only shall gave to be got approved from the executive board. The same powers also best with the president/General secretary of the society.
Rule -16
Powers and duties of Sr. Vice President and Vice President :-
The Sr. Vice President and Vice-President will preside over all the meetings & control the proceedings of the society and that of the general body in the absence of the president of the society.
Rule- 17
Powers of the General Secretary :-
The general secretary of the society is empowered to call all the meetings of the general body, the executive committee in consultation with the president at and when required under the rules and regulations of the society or otherwise whenever necessitated. He shall be the custodian of the society, and shall keep all the records of the meetings and proceedings and look after that the records and resolutions of the executive committee and general body are properly carried out. He shall supervise the establishment of the society, to do all the correspondence and sign documents on behalf of the society, all the legal matters including court cases, projects undertaken, complaints lodged with the police or other competent authorities shall be generally represented & signed by the General secretary of the society. The general secretary is also empowered with all the general duties of the cashier in case cashier is not appointed.
Rule –18:-
Power of Secratay and Joint Secretary :-
The Secratary and Jont Secretary is empowered to conduct all meetings of General Body and of Executive Committee and do all the correcpondence and sign the documents when General Secratory is Absent
Powers of the Cashier :-
The cashier shall maintain all the records related to the accounts viz Purchase bills, vouchers of expenditures, receipts etc. and keep these in his custody. He shall prepare the annual account statements, including profit/loss accounts, balance sheet etc. he shall also keep full records of the cash/cheques/drafts receipts as membership, subscriptions. Grant-in-aids, donation & other kinds of ‘dreams’ and deposit the same in bank account of the society.
Rule No. 19-A
Power Of The P.R.O:-
The PRO Shall be responsible for Public Relation Activities of the Society including Press Releases and Media Controling
Rule No. 19-B
Powers Of The Chief Organiser And Organiser :-
The Chief Organiser and Organiser of the society shall be responsible to control the activities of the Organiser of the society i.e. the General Members
Bank Account :-
The society will have a Bank account/Bank Accounts in scheduled bank(s) and such accounts shall be operated under the joints signature of
1) President
2) General Secretary or Cashier (One of these two)
The secretary/Chief Secretary of Punjab Government & the Deputy Commissioner of Ludhina will be the Patrons of this Society ———–unless or otherwise any change is made by the governing body of the society to this effect.
Miscellaneous :-
The aims & objects as framed in this indenture may be amended taking stock of the need of the situation & time, by the 3/5th majority of the total strength of the general body, and all such amendments shall have to be recorded in the constitutional bye-laws, to take the place in lieu of the bye-law. All moveable / immoveable properties shall be in the name of the society, and not in personal name of any office bearers who-so-ever.
The society if dissolved by the majority of 3/5th of the total strength of the general house. Shall give the accounts of all money, transactions, related documents of movable and immoveable properties what-so-ever, and these shall not be distributed amongst its members in any case, but shall be handed over and transferred to such other societies having objects similar to the time or before the time of dissolution of the society. However, in defaults or differences amongst member the High courts of the affairs of the society and to appoint liquidator arbitrator to control the affairs of the society.
Rule :- 24
Elections :-
The elections for the Governing body shall take place in the General body meeting every two years and the following are the members elected as proterm office bearers of the first term to the period up to 31-03-2013 during the meeting held on 16-10-2012.

Human Rights Organistion  Human rights are “commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.” Human rights are thus conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone). These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law. The doctrine of human rights in international practice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the policies of states and in the activities of non-governmental organizations, has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world.The idea of human rights states, “if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights.” Despite this, the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content, nature and justifications of human rights to this day. Indeed, the question of what is meant by a “right” is itself controversial and the subject of continued philosophical debate.

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